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Any Questions?

Good. Because we have answers.

Below we’ve listed out all of the typical questions we receive about Blush Online Life Coaching. Scroll through to see if your question is answered here. Chances are, it probably is. But if it’s not, don’t panic! We have more questions answered here

You can also drop us a line and we will get your question answered as soon as we can.


While our coaches do have their masters in counseling, Blush Online Life Coaching is not the same as mental health counseling.

Life coaching provides encouragement, support, goal setting, and advice. We focus on your strengths, help you create positive habits, assist you getting out of life ruts, and create a game plan for your future. Think of it as a collaborative relationship meant to propel you out of your “funk” and into a realm of success, happiness, and possibility. 

As life coaches, we do not provide medication, we do not diagnose, and we do not write letters for pet support (we get that a lot). We also won’t ever try to fix you or focus heavily on your past.

Many of our clients also have therapists and work on both simultaneously, which we absolutely love! Just make sure you are not using Blush Online Life Coaching as a replacement for psychotherapy, as that is not within our scope.

Read more about the differences between mental health counseling and life coaching here!

Yes! We are in the Google Play store and the App Store

You can purchase a gift card for anyone you believe could benefit from Blush here. We know they’ll love it! 

Yes! You can learn more in depth about our available coaches here

Here at Blush, we consider ourselves generalists. We like to focus on a whole range of issues that can affect different seasons of your life. Our coaches are present and future based, and rarely will explore past issues. We like to help you create goals, brainstorm solutions, strengthen confidence, and troubleshoot obstacles along the way. 

With that being said, the most popular topics are confidence and self-esteembreakups and relationshipscareer dilemmas and advancement, the quarter-life crisis, and creating/setting boundaries. Don’t see what you’re looking for here? Check out our blog to see if we’re a fit for you. 

Each Blush life coach has her masters in counseling and years of experience working with clients of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. 

We only add masters-level candidates to our Blush team because we believe it’s highly important for our coaches to 1) have extensive training in mental health and 2) be able to recognize whether you are a fit for coaching vs. counseling.

Our coaches focus on your present and your future. They work with you to create goals, implement change, enhance confidence, and troubleshoot when obstacles arise. They’ll call you out and cheer you on as you work to grow more and more each week. 

If you’re curious to know the difference between coaching and counseling, read more here

If you choose to be matched instead of selecting your life coach, we pair you with a coach based on your availability/schedule and based on the topics you are most interested in working on with Blush. 


There is no time commitment for a membership with Blush! You may cancel your account at any time.

However, in order to reap the full benefits of Blush coaching, we recommend staying on a membership for at least three months. 


Blush offers video sessions and unlimited chat through our life coaching app and web Dashboard. You may schedule sessions 24 hours in advance, or chat with your coach day and night. 

We welcome clients of all ages! The only requirement is that you must be at least 18 years of age. 

Absolutely! While our founder and coaches all identify as female, we welcome all genders to Blush. 

You may upgrade or downgrade your membership whenever you’d like. After your first month, you can even change your subscription to chat only or video only! All changes to memberships go into effect at your next billing cycle. 

Please note that if you would like to join an unlimited chat plan after your first month, you can reach out to

If you choose a plan that includes unlimited chat, you can expect a response from your coach once daily during the week. Each client and coach will develop their own, unique rhythm of communication! 

Yes! If you are an active member on Blush and are currently on a video plan, video sessions roll over for exactly one month


If you choose to pause or downgrade your subscription, you will forfeit your sessions. Once you cancel, sessions last for 30 days! 

We offer refunds within 30 days for unused video sessions on a case by case basis. Unlimited chat needs to be canceled before your billing cycle date, as we do not track your chats for security and privacy reasons. 

The good news is, refunds are rarely needed in the first place. Our incredible team of coaches are so good at what they do, and we are lucky enough to share their services with you! if for some reason you think you are entitled to a refund, drop us a note and we can chat about it!

Your self-discovery journey begins here.
